Nickname: Ash, Lady Ash
Race: Vampire
D.O.B.: May 21, 1827
D.O.D.: October 31, 1847
Age: 20 y/o when killed and turned
Weapon(s): Her feminine wiles, her fangs, her speed, and most importantly her brain.
Family: Mother: Anna died in childbirth
Father: Justin Morgan killed trying to protect her.
Siblings: None
Date of Rebirth: October 31, 1847
Killed her Master: October 31, 1927 (helped by Connie and Maryjo). 80 years to the day when her father was killed and she was turned, she finally achieved her revenge. She escapes Chicago that night and heads for Scotland.
Physical Description:
Eye Color: Silver/Blue with a slight up tilt to the outer corners
Hair Color/Style: Dark chestnut long, little more than half way down her back usually wears it down
Skin tone: Olive complexion
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 120 pounds
Identifying Characteristics: Her eyes esp. with the dark hair and olive complexion
General Appearance: No tattoo’s, when she was growing up it was unseemly for a lady to have them, even though that word only fits her gender wise. She’s always been told that she was pretty and has always used that to her advantage. She has a few scars on her back and shoulders from falling out of a tree that she and friends used to climb to jump out of for swimming.
She likes to wear things that are form fitting and that show skin. She likes short skirts as well as cropped shirts; she also enjoys having men notice her. She will wear jeans or slacks as long as they are snug enough to hug her hips and ass.
Wears minimal jewelry necklaces and bracelets
Strengths: Speed, agility, people are always under estimating her (esp. men)
Weaknesses: Good looking men, sunlight, the people she cares about
Likes: Men, Sex, Blood
Dislikes: Hunters, jealous women, not getting what she wants
Hobbies: Killing stupid little mortals that prey upon the wrong people (i.e. rapists and such), gardening, massage
Skills: Gardening, bartending
Reputation: Within the vampire community ‘The Master Killer’
Personality: Ashleigh is in general, pretty nice, for a vampire that is, as long as she getting what she wants, usually meaning blood, sex or to be left alone. She has no problem telling people what she thinks of them whether it’s flattering or not. She’s been called a bitch more times than she can count and only laughs at those that call her that. She doesn’t trust easily but that has kept her alive for a long time now. And once you’ve earned her trust and friendship she considers you hers and will venture to Hades and back for you.
She has a problem with most male vampires as her sire and his closest friends sorely abused her. But from that experience she also learned a wonderful way for controlling men, which with the time period she was born in she would not have known otherwise.
Friendly with most people she meets; she tries not to judge people by their looks but by their personalities and how they treat others. She has no patience for stupid people and has no problem telling someone that they are stupid. She loves getting compliments and hopes to one day find that one true love. But she is also a realist and knows that that is just bullshit.
Past: Ashleigh’s mother died during childbirth and her father would not talk about her. Her father raised her as best he could on his own as he never married again. Soon after her 20th birthday she and her father were attacked. Her father was killed trying to protect her. She remembers staring into her father’s empty dead eyes, his blood soaking into her clothes as she too was killed then turned. She rebelled constantly and was beaten quite often by her sire for not being a quiet, docile female. She bided her time before killing him to avenge her father. Making sure she learned all she needed from him and the other older vampires they lived with. A couple of them, two females (Connie and Maryjo), helped her with dispatching their sire. She then left to make her own way in the world.