Welcome to Màiri Campbell's
Author Page
As many of you know I not only write but I do lots of crafting as well. I'm going to be posting up a blog regarding my latest endeavor for my weaving. This project is only getting started. But, for those fans of Doctor Who, especially the 4th Doctor, you might want to check back on occasion to see how this project is coming along.
Working on a collection of some of my stories.
Check out the Update page for more information.
Check out the Update page for more information.
Valerie Gets Some is up and available for purchase. Yay! Just in case the image below isn't enough of a warning, this is an adult story, so if you don't like sex scenes, don't read this one.
Newsletter Update

For those of you following the David and Ragnhild story... Sometimes life just gets away from you. I am hoping to start back up on this story soon. I appreciate your patience with me on this matter.
Anyone new to this particular story the first 8 parts are here on my site under Blog Thoughts - David and Ragnhild. To get the back issues of the newsletter just email me, and I will get them sent to you.
To those of you receiving it thank you so much for following this story.
Anyone new to this particular story the first 8 parts are here on my site under Blog Thoughts - David and Ragnhild. To get the back issues of the newsletter just email me, and I will get them sent to you.
To those of you receiving it thank you so much for following this story.

If you have been following along for the David and Ragnhild story posts that I have been posting weekly then please sign up for my newsletter as new posts for this story will only be available via the newsletter. Please click the image above below to be taken to the signup page. Thank you. ~ Màiri
Special thanks to my friend Cynthia for my Wolfsong Publishing logo!
Love you tons Cyn, you are the best!
To see more of Cynthia's amazing art please visit her website at CCR Studio.
Love you tons Cyn, you are the best!
To see more of Cynthia's amazing art please visit her website at CCR Studio.
If you are interested in seeing reviews that I have done for other authors. Or interested in seeing other works that I had some connection to please click here.
Thank you for visiting and let me know you stopped by and what you thought of my site.
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