So thankful that we managed to obtain a vehicle for me last Saturday, we went to a local auction up in Bellingham and obtained a wonderful 2008 Chevrolet Uplander. I am so happy with this vehicle! I have room for more than just one other person, and it is outfitted for travel with the dogs now too. My wonderful husband used some foam mat flooring in the van for me. I asked him to help me put in some in front of the back seats and along the aisle way between them to protect the carpeting from the dogs nails and to help keep it cleaner. He went above and beyond for this task the foam flooring is all the way around the seats; it is snuggled up nice and tight in the areas the dogs would be on the floor. He even placed it in the cargo area behind the back seat.
Our girls completely approve of the van too. They have room to move without being on top of one another unlike in the extended part of our truck. I even found seat covers for the back seats as well that are easy on/off and are supposed to have something like a rip-stop feature to keep the dogs toenails from ripping them up. Sadly I have yet to find covers for the two front seats; these will be a bit more difficult as there is an airbag built into the outside portion of each of the front seats.
I’ve also been busy making bread with my new to me bread maker. The Saturday before Easter we had a dinner to go to with friends and I took two loaves of bread along with a regular sized cheesecake and nine mini cheesecakes. Everyone loved the herb bread and thought it was great that the herbs had come from my garden. Today I made a loaf for tonight’s dinner this one will have chives and oregano that was freshly picked this morning. Our mailman told me yesterday that any time I want to use him as a guinea pig that he will be more than happy to oblige me. Lol, I had made him a loaf earlier in the week that had freshly harvested mint as well as some Rosemary that I had harvested last fall. Another thing that I am trying with some of my fresh herbs is making herb-infused wine. I should know in a week or two how that turns out.
Spring Quarter classes also started last week, and I’m signed up for a full three credit QuickBooks class for work. Now the joys of finding the balance of getting my independent class work done – it’s an online class – along with getting writing done on my books, getting my newsletter done and ready to go out every week. On top of all the other everyday mundane things that have to be done – honestly with how crazy the last two weeks have been I’m even more in awe of my girlfriends that juggle the whole stay at home mom gig with all the different things they have to do with their kids! Ladies you are absolutely amazing!
We are also having to start getting things ready for the upcoming Scottish Highland Games season and, for me, that means there is a ton of paperwork to get done. Not only to get us into the games, but also all the different informational sheets that we provide in the tent at the events.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and may the upcoming week be kind to you all.
Blessed Be.