My husband had nationals this weekend in Edmonds. For those of you that don’t know he does Taekwondo and is presently a 1st degree blackbelt. He loves going and training and participating in the various tournaments and even takes different classes to help out doing different things. Like last weekend he took a class on how to do judging for sparring, forms and one-steps. He does all of this because he enjoys it.
Well little did we know that Grand Master Pierce was paying attention to all of that extra stuff as my husband does not train at Grand Master Pierce’s school. His instructor is Master Rhodes here in Skagit Valley where he gets some really good one-on-one training. But back to the point, Grand Master Pierce was paying attention and my hubby received a special certificate for extraordinary service and outstanding dedication to the association. I am so very proud of him and so glad that other people notice and acknowledge what an incredible and amazing man he is.
I also got some more carnivorous plants this weekend as well. We stopped at a place called The Plant Farm in Smokey Point and picked up a couple of Venus Fly Traps. We also picked up some heather that is from Scotland, and for those of you wondering yes there is a difference. lol For it is extra special to have that particular type of heather as it is the plant badge for the Clan Donald... my Scottish clan. I am a Donald by blood and a Campbell by marriage and in my opinion one can’t get much better than that. I also re-potted all of our strawberry plants and now have three containers of little baby plants. Can't wait to see how well they do though I know it will be a few years before they start bearing any fruit.
I wish you all a wonderful week and for those of you that will be in the Tacoma, WA area this coming Saturday the 28th of June come by Frontier Park in Graham and visit us at the Tacoma Scottish Highland Games. We will be there running the Clan Campbell tent plus I will be signing copies of my book for anyone that is looking to get a signed copy of The Proposal.