Other Scottish events happen between now and the start of the gaming season as well as craft faires and Taekwondo tournaments. My husband is hoping to obtain his second degree black belt before Nationals this year. He should test next month for it and I’m certain that he will do well.
I hope that everyone had a nice Valentine’s Day yesterday, my wonderful husband surprised me with a beautiful blue topaz necklace. We spent the evening watching the UFC MMA fights on TV while having dinner at home with an old boyfriend of mine.
Yes you read that correctly and old boyfriend of mine. The manner in which we are still friends is simple. We went from being a couple to being friends and we have maintained that, for which I am thankful. Listening to my husband and my old boyfriend discuss the different fighters, as well as comic book characters, is extremely entertaining. I so enjoy the times that my ex gets to come back to Washington for a visit. I am so blessed that my husband also likes him and that they get along and enjoy each others company.
I get tomorrow off from work and hope to get more work done on my next Forever Fey story. I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend.
Blessed Be.