1. Where do your story ideas start? I get story ideas everywhere. I’m continually asking the “What if…” question.
2. What do you write first? (beginning, middle, end) I’m all over the board with that, but usually I will start with the entire story in mind. I know where I’m going, it’s the journey that makes it interesting. And sometimes I surprise myself.
3. Character development, do you do anything special? Yes. I spend a lot of time with character because if I have a great story with one dimensional characters, the story will fall flat. I compile a character profile answering questions like, Role, Subtext, Motivation, Flaw, Core Traits, etc. It’s also helpful to document eye color, hair color, height, name (first and last), and age.
4. Where do you do your writing? Since I don’t really have an ‘office’, I sort of write where ever I can.
5. A story usually springs from an idea, a character or a scene. Once that idea is planted - how do you make it grow? I used to just write and banish the critic and see what came of it. Now I test the story concept through a series of questions that help me develop the story structure. Sounds a little uptight, but in order to make a good story, it’s important to understand the elements that make up a good story.
6. Do you write in Chronological order or do you bounce around within the manuscript? I know what needs to happen in each scene I write, but if I get stuck, I might jump. But I don’t attach myself too much to anything, because it might change.