He knew he had to get back to the maintenance shed but his ability to see where he drove was hindered by the driving rain. The last thing he wanted was to drive off the path and over someone’s grave. Swearing he stomped on the brakes as lightening struck the pavement in front of his truck.
“Maybe just a little faster,” he muttered.
As he followed the path around a slight bend he heard what sounded like the boom of a cannon off to his right. Slamming on the brakes once again, he looked around, eyes bulging. He inched the truck forward as he peered through the torrent of rain.
Finally, he saw it. Off to his right. He stopped the truck and dropped his head to rest on the steering wheel.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
Raising his head for one last troubled look he continued along the path, his current goal… safety.
Lightning flashed in the sky as he drove away; throwing into stark relief the view the man had only glimpsed.
A five foot angel statue lay upon the ground, her left wing torn from her body. She lay looking up at the heavens while her wing was buried beneath the branch shorn from a nearby tree.