The title for the first story is ‘A Midnight Meeting’ has been receiving favorable reviews from those that have been helping with reviewing the story. There are so many phases that a story goes through before it ever gets out there for the readers.
So far ‘A Midnight Meeting’ has gone through three edits with another one pending after being reviewed by the wonderful ladies in my Thursday afternoon critique group. These women are amazing and I am very thankful that there was an opening in their group. I now once again have a critique group I can go to, and the time it meets does not conflict with the limited free time I have with my husband.
I think one of the best comments so far is from a person who does not typically read books that have vampires, were-creatures and such the following - “Your sense of story is excellent, to my mind, and you hold tension well. I want to find out more about the world you are creating.”
If you have not yet logged your vote for helping to decide the title name for the series, please do so now. You can find the link for the poll on the home page here on my website or you can read the blog post about it HERE.
Now I am off to work on those edits and possible see about getting another story for this series going. I will see if I can get Ms. Cassandra Riddle and Ms. T.A. Campbell to write up a short bio about themselves that I can post here for you all to read as well. They are the other two authors that I will be writing the series with.
I hope that everyone is enjoying their weekend and for those of you that celebrate it Happy Easter.