It is supposed to be the time of joy, happiness, and good will toward your fellow human beings. Does it truly matter what the words are that someone says to you? As long as the sentiment behind the words are heart felt and sincere, it should not matter what the words are.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Xmas, Happy Yule, Happy Hanukah. These are just words. The feelings behind them are only wishing you joy and happiness during a time of the year that is difficult for many.
So with that thought in mind can we not just smile in return and wish the person joy and happiness in return… they did just wish it to you after all.
This great wide world is filled with people of various faiths and they all have different ways to say the same thing. While not everyone thinks the same way about things, it does not make them wrong. If everyone thought and felt the same way about things this world would be very boring indeed.
I propose for a change this holiday season that everyone smile, say thank you, and use whatever version of holiday greeting you choose. No matter what greeting you are met with.
I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. For those that are dealing with the loss of loved ones, I hope that you find some comfort in happy memories of your loved ones.
May your words be kind, your voices gentle, and your hearts willed is love.
Blessings and good tidings to all of you my wonderful friends. Happy Xmas.