There is a huge controversy every year now it seems regarding what people should say, whether it should be Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Personally I say Happy Xmas and Merry New Year… reason everyone is usually happy at Xmas and very merry at New Years due to imbibing large quantities of spirits. lol
In regards to which one SHOULD be used… well don’t you think there are more important things to focus on? How about focusing on the sweet sentiment behind the words instead of on the actual words used? How about saying thank you to the person wishing you happiness instead of being offended in the manner of which the happiness was wished?
So many people see to focus on finding things to be offended by these days instead of just being happy and thankful for the good things in their lives. The world would be a more pleasant place to live if more people would start focusing on the good things more than on the bad. I know there will always be bad and even downright horrid things in the world. But that does not mean that people have to go out of their way to find things to bicker over that are just trivial… don’t you think?
I’ve asked a number of different people that say “Happy Holidays” to people and most of them have said they say it that way so that no matter what the persons faith is that they are saying it won’t be offended because it does not favor one version of the holiday season over any other i.e. not favoring a particular faith over any other one. And I love that answer it is thoughtful and makes sense to me.
I have friends that span a great variety of faiths and some of them do not like hearing ‘Merry Christmas’ because they are Jewish or some form of Pagan. But they focus on the honest sweet sentiment BEHIND the words instead of on the words. I have quite a number of friends that are Christian and a number of them take great offense to anything words used besides the ‘Merry Christmas’. While others are just fine with whatever words are used because they are appreciating the sentiment.
Blessed Be.